Tuesday, December 1
A coup d'état attempt in Bestonia
Tuesday, November 17
Public Hangings in Bestonia
Those included following persons:
Alexander Lash aged 69, merchant
Alice Lash aged 40 his wife
Thomas Muller aged 27, former diplomat
Frederic Mars aged 39, former diplomat
Elisabeth Mars aged 35 his wife
Albert Thoma aged 40, former military attache
Peter Thoma aged 18, lieutenant Albert Thoma´s son
Alan Thoma aged 19, captain Albert Thoma´s son
Graf Friedrich Von Glockenspiel aged 70 , former field marshal
Amalie Von Glockenspiel aged 40 , his wife
Gunther Von Glockenspiel aged 21 Graf Friedrich Von Glockenspiel´s son
Annalise Saab aged 18, Von Glockenspiel´s servant girl
Peter Von Glimmer aged 39 General of Army aquetted
Anna Amalie Von Glimmer aged 26 his wife aquetted
and some other civilians ( 20 people) were sentenced from 10 to 25 years in prison
Head of the State Security Head Office General Top-ski said that this is a ,,great job victory´´ for our police and secret service.
Friday, November 6
Strange women in royal palace!!!
Thursday, November 5
The story of Black Widow part 1

The story of a black widow is interesting and tragic. She was daughter a clergyman. She was born in France 16 years ago. Her father took his entire family and escaped from France because he and his family were hugenots and as this religion was banned by French king at time. So thousend of hugenots escaped from France. They went all over the world. As did the family of this story's heroine, Marianne De Delacour . Her father Henrie was prominent hugenot clergyman but his religion was the reason why the they had to leave in hurry. So hurry that they left everything behind. This was terrible because they had to sell everything when they fled from the revenge of French bishop De Lully. De Lully hated Mariann's father and for good reason. Mariann's mother Yvette was a village beauty, when she was young with bright red hair like Marianne today is. She had many suitors including young priest De Lully and young Henry De Delacour. Anyway things went as they went and Yvette married Henry , because De Lully insulted and tired to rape Yvette on hot summer night when he saw Yvette swimming in river nude. He stole her clothes and tired to force her to sleep with him. But last moment game young clergyman and saved her from shame. After that and several punches to the De Lully s nose , he got Marianne s clothes , she dressed and they rode away with Henri s carriage. They then became close friends and when Henry graduated university then they got married. Despite that they were from different classes ( Marianne s father was ex soldier and village blacksmith and Henri was the third son of lower class aristocrat) their families accepted marriage.The reason may be this that Martin De Delacour and Pierre la Pierre were in same regiment and in battle Pierre saved Martins life, who was officer at that time and the entrie De Delacour family was very thankful to Pierre. Anyway young couple were very happily married their first 5 years when suddenly thunderclouds game over their happiness...
Wednesday, November 4
Black Widow in Bestonia
Hoffman. They talked a half day and the result was that lady
Annabel quickly went to her brothers house. And then she went to The Tower and spoke to the guards and asked them to meet prisoner no 89235. What happened in The Tower and what lady Annabel asked from prisoner 89235 we see someday... And also you may want to know WHO is Black Widow???
Saturday, October 31
Pumpking festival in Bestonia
King and queen attended on this festival and made a little speech. Gen. Thoma askd king and queen to donate a small sum of money to charity. Festival ended with a large feast were some arstocrats drinkt so much that they had to be carried home. Anyway during to those troubled this festival was great
Saturday, September 5
Sunday, July 5
King Hendrik speech on Opening of the Song Festival in Revelia

Dear singers and dancers,
dear people of Bestonia,
Today is the day when all of us are here. We are all back again.
Today is the day when none of us are alone.
Today and tomorrow the entire country and nation is here – together, dancing and singing. Be it with their feet, mouth, eyes or thoughts.
These are the days of our summer joy. The days to be together and to gain the power needed to go on and endure.
The days of our breathing as one.
These are the days of good, easy breathing. Let them also be easy in the sense of forgetting our everyday worries for a while.
How can you listen to our most cherished songs with a furrow of concern on your brow?
How can you watch gorgeous national skirts gliding across the green grass with gloom in your heart?
No, this is pure joy!
The importance of song festivals in the core of our existence cannot be measured.
It can only be understood if you try to imagine being Bestonian without it.
We cannot do it – it is unimaginable.
The meaning of song festivals and dancing has changed over time.
We have turned ourselves into a nation through singing – an Bestonian-speaking nation. We have freed ourselves through singing.
With all our strength and perseverance we have sung against those who have tried to take our freedom from us.
We have reminded them with unwavering conviction that we hold our fatherland dear.
All of this has had enormous meaning. However, this time we can think that we are not singing or dancing to prove something to others, or to ourselves.
We sing because we want to. We want to be together.
The song and dance festival is all about doing something positive together. Here we are always for something; never again against something.
The multitude of voices – in song and in life – is what makes us being together so dazzling and powerful, and forms a whole.
That is what the immense enthusiasm that has brought tens of thousands of people together to sing and dance speaks of.
And as we well know, the number of people who wanted to come here to dance or sing was far greater than these grounds could ever accommodate.
Our summer festival tells everyone that we are a free people in a free country.
Our song comes from the heart. Our dance comes from our love of life, and that is just as it should be!
Happy breathing and singing together, my dear Bestonia!
Friday, July 3
Annabel Hoffmans speech at the beginning of tance festival
I hear people tancelanguage invented before the word language. And later, as today, the words which we have long been available, they will be able to run out of their feelings, and we live in a dance.
Let us remember today that the order of the XVIII General, we have again reached the mark for one round. 75 years ago, our 16th independence during the summer, the first was held in Revelia, the Bestonian Games. In particular, although they were sporting, but it was just their game plan that become part of the national dance, country-wide tancefestival practice, which has lasted to date
Lets honor all tantceparties the forefront through the ages: Edi Videmann ! A man who was the father of our National Liberation Movemnt. And so on and so forth, all who have followed them. We welcome the idea of a celebration of today's tance parties. Already provided a welcome those who come to dance for years, decades, years and after
Videmans Dance Festival rose from the early days of sport and gymnastics sidelines. And then could only eyewitness see that the party "recalled the song festival days." Today, as thousands of compatriots across the country and without, they are juulipäevadeks meeting in the capital of Bestonia, the Dance Festival is an integral. Why? Probably because the dance is the language of the same physical phenomenon, which is familiar with the voice and the song in force. Invisible sounds moving song, a dance move from the people - from meat and bone. People affected by the different senses, but messages can be very similar, "breathing" may be common. Feel it is wonderful power in one breath. Dance Festival beginning to find it.
To Breathe as One
It is not a coincidencethat in the Bestonian language the word's "soul" and "breathing" come from the same stem. One word developed from the other, because breathing and soul are connected. Even so closely connected that if you breathe in the same rhythm with someone, with a little luck it is possible to see his soul. The same magic works when tens and thousands breathe as one. They look for the right place in a hurry, gasping for breath. They hold their breath in anticipation. They rejoice from their heart and soul. This is when the souls of one nation meet. It is breathtakingly beautiful. By breathing as one, history can be changed. The vibrations of the soul create a resonance that has broken iron and brought down political regimes. But it is not the only aim of breathing as one. This celebration unites us with those who sang and danced before us, as well as with our contemporaries whose soul may go unnoticed in the everyday rat race. When people breathe as one, it does not matter whether you face the audience of the performers of whether you are somewhere else instead. When you breathe with others as one, your soul is there.
It is time for a nation to breathe as one again
This is a confirmation that the land belonged to a total of tart, which has been cultivated for millennia, where villages and towns built and from where and which way to turn back, connecting us to the whole wide world. Here we live in! Here we are dancing to endless lifetance!
Festivity and good guests,
I declare open the Eighteenth Dance Festival!
Slight tancefoot!
Long live Bestonia!
Monday, June 29
National Victory day seleprations
Monday, June 22
New secret police is formed
Monday, June 15
Annabel Hoffman is new prime minister
Thursday, June 4
Electoral process in Bestonia
- Electoral system in Bestonia
There are 5 mayor political parties in Bestonia
Refomist party- this political party represents rich people
National Fatherlands Leage - this political party represents pesants and lower classes
Liberal Rainbow Unity Party - this political party represents minoritys( gays, animal rigth activist and other minoritys)
Green Nature Party - this, as the name says represents those people who lowes nature
Independent Cristian Party - this party represents churh
Central Party- wich represent aso lower classes
Both men and women are allowed to elect when they become 18 years old. They are allowed to become a canditate when they reach 21.
General Elections in Bestonia
Tuesday, May 12
song and tance festival in Bestonia
Saturday, May 2
New military uniform in Bestonia
,,Explosion´´ in Royal Palace Part 3 and conclusion
Dear reader what happened on the other side of town at this moment? I will take you there . At the same moment col. Traffe the most wanted man in Bestonia detonated powder barrel which exploded .The blast was so high that all the windos fell in. As in Royal Palace
,, What happend ´´ ??? yeld queen on the floor, where she fell.
,, I want to know it also´´´said king and but his wig back on,, What has happend ???´´
,, Your higness this was some kind of explosion´´ said Edmund ,, Are you all rigth, my dear?´´
,, Yes i think so !!! How are you ? ´´ askd Marie -Louise
,, Please your higness be seated. I ll go and i will find out what happened!!! said Edmund
,, Ok Edmund Go ´´ said queen ,, Both of you go ´´ .
Friday, May 1
,,Explosion´´ in Royal Palace Part 2.
,, Darling you are here ´´ greeted king ,, how are you this morning. Did you slept well´´
Marie-Luise slapt him in face. ,,You know how i am. I am with child. And this child is yours.´´
,, WHAT´´ king said ,, I am becoming a father, Thats a good news´´
,, YOU ARE A MARRIED MAN´´ PLEASE understand that ´´ said Marie- Louise.
,,Yes your higness ´´ said Edmund who ran inside ,, I am sorry, but you have beatifoul wife, who loves you´´
,, I know but i am becoming father Father´´ yelld king in joy. ,,I have a son´´
,,What !!!!!´´ said queen ,, Whos pregnant,? You b...... you SHEATED ME!!!!´´ yelld queen.
,, I am sorry´´ said king.
,, This man give me false promises and i was drunk HE USED me ....´´ wept Marie-Louise
,, PLEASE FORGIVE ME my dear frend´´ Said Marie-Louise and was on her knees on the front of her frend( the queen naturally).
,, I will ´´ said queen ,, but you must promise me............
Please dear reader what do you think waht happended next ??? You are welcome to publish your opinion on commend section...
Wednesday, April 29
King Henrik´ s Letter to people of Bestonia

Tuesday, April 28
Assasination attemt on King
This morning an another assassination attempt was made against our great king. Late Col. Traffe -s henchman Ltn. Oliveri tired to kill our king but faild. Only one who got wounded was Edmund Black. Guards of king lead by Gen. Trotha saved kings life. Today a martal law was passd in all citys in Bestonia becuse of that event and police is investigating a plot and possible culprits. We are glad that our king was safe again but with great sadness we must tell that this was 11.th attempt on kings life in 3 years when king Hendric has been our king. We greatly hope that Moscuvias King is satisfied that another his plots has faild and our king is safe.
Hon. Lord Dante of Yorkschire
Saturday, April 11
Dark forces ower Bestonia
Monday, March 23
,,Explosion´´ in Royal Palace Part 1.

Sunday, March 22
Col. Traffe is Dead!!!!

Fashion show in Royal Palace

Saturday, March 21
Wednesday, March 4
King and Queen in churhs

Thanks to our great admiral Colly- s ironclad fleet our great king and queen together with hundreds of gests went to church and praisd the lord to the great victory that we had. King said in his speech folloving:
,, My fellow Bestonians!!!!
We greet the news that our navy was sucsessfoul. Those pirates and slave traders are punishd. WE MUST MAKE GLEAR to the rest of the world that WE DO NOT dolerate criminals, who rob innocent people and make them slaves. The türranny of Al Ibraimi and his gang of slave traders got what they deserved. Also notorious pirate Black Barnaby met his end. Today ,when we morn our brave sailors, who died in the line of duty we must look in the future and when such insidents happned again WE WILL ACT!!! We will defend all those who are enslaved and who are victims of piracy. When my frend admiral Colly will come back from his mission i will give him a rank of Grandadmiral. He is nice man and we must honor him ´´
this was kings speech wich went to the harts of every people who listen it.
Bombartment of Pirate bay

Saturday, February 28
Secret weddig ceremony and declaration of war

Bestonian evening news
28th of frebruary 1740
by The Honourable Alexander Mac
publisher of ,,Bestonian Evening News´´
,,Yesturday we all heard a great news that Count Edmund von Black, master of ceremonies to royal household has asked hand in marriage to Pamela MacDonald, a 16 year old queen chambermaid and daughter of late Jacobite general Sir Donald James Charles MacDonald. Sir Donald, who took part in Battle of Sheriffmuir and later was living in Bestonia, where he died 10 years ago give such nice highland beauty to our country. Marriage took place in chapel near barracks of highland jacobite troops, that are stationed in our country. Bride and groom were later wisited by king and queen, who give them their blessing and a nice manor near our capital. As together with our scottish we wish newlyweds a long and happy marriage life.
International news
News has reach to our hand that our Atlantic squadron was attackt buy ruthles pirate and slave trader Black Barnaby. Our coverment has reach the desision to end Atlantic slave trade and that was the main reasion why our ship was attackt. Further news as soon as the reach to the Board of Admiralty.´´
Thursday, February 26
Great scandal in Bestonia 26th february 1740

Wednesday, February 25
24th of february 1740

Sunday, February 22
Our great country birthday is coming
Letter from His higness, the king

King Hendrik I, from the crace of god has decided to start diplomatic relations with other countries. So ambassadors from other countries are welcome to our wondrefoul capital Revelia.For the start it must make clear that Bestland(Bestonia) is a independent democratic republic , wich in odd way is ruled by king. We have cranted full citizen rigths to both man and women. Our great king has dicided to make this our wondrefoul country better know in this world and king hopes that people from other countries will be frendly to us.